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Home » Industrial Photography

Industrial Photography of Factories, Industrial Units all over India

Industrial Photography can be defined as photographic practice that takes place within and/or at the behest of an industrial organization, to document production processes, products, work organization, employees, or the layout, equipment, or culture of an enterprise. The pictures may serve either internal (e.g. administrative or industrial relations) or external (e.g. advertising or public relations) purposes. In principle there is no distinction between images made by in-house specialists or professionals hired from outside; and photographs taken by workers or clerical staff. The borderline between documentary pictures and journalistic, advertising, and public relations ones is fluid, depending on context and usage in individual cases.

Client: IG Petrochemicals Ltd; Mumbai
Location: Taloja

Industrial Photography, is used to project a certain image of companies, technical staff and their undertakings. Industrial photography cannot not be on the individual workers but on manufacturing plant, buildings and the workforce as a group.

Industrial Photography includes architecture, commercial, editorial, portraiture of workers, business executives, real estate, products, ground breakings and corporate ceremonies. Industrial photographs are used in annual reports, advertising media, corporate in-house marketing, power point presentations, web sites and more. The photographs can be published in books, magazines and newspapers.

Website Credits : Webbing Systems | Digital Studio