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Home » CE Marking Introduction

CE Marking demonstrates that a product complies with the rules set out in the relevant EU directives. It is a passport for the product to be placed on the EU market. The mark is not destined to the consumer.


The increasing trade between the European Union and the rest of the world prompted the EU to adopt a new approach to technical harmonization and standards in 1985.

To promote free movement of goods within the EU it was agreed to gradually remove the product regulatory and safety requirements of each individual country and replace them with essential requirements to cover all of Europe.

Products sold in or imported into the European Union must satisfy the requirements stipulated in the directives and must display the CE mark as proof of compliance.

These rules affect more than 80% of all industrial and consumer products and their sale without a CE Mark is prohibited within the EU. Products which present a higher safety risk, for example those that fall within the scope of the EU Machinery Directive (annex IV), Gas Appliance Directive, Boiler Efficiency Directive and Automotive EMC Directive, must be tested by an independent notified body.


Mark of compliance with the mandatory regulations of the EU in respect of health, safety and environmental protection Relevant Market

The CE marking symbolizes conformity to all the obligations incumbent on manufacturers for the product by virtue of the community directives providing for its affixing.

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