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Home » Corporate Videos

One of the main considerations about corporate film is that it involves you or your company. You are the experts in your company and you need to be able to tell the film production company what you want to achieve. We will help you articulate your message and use it's expertise to ensure that the film is realized in the best, most professional way. We might, through negotiation, shift the focus of your first ideas because they understand the medium of film and the way it has an impact on its viewers. But it is important first of all to be clear about your message and how you want it delivered.

Remember, in appointing a film production company for a substantial film project you begin a liaison which will continue until the film is ready for distribution, possibly over several weeks. It is likely, during that time, that key people in your company will need to be involved, taking up their time and possibly challenging them to think in a slightly different way. It is also very likely, in a corporate production, that members of your company will be involved in the production itself, perhaps in the form of an interview or filmed presentation.

Dignity Foundation:

Doctor Eye Institute:

Following are some important questions which need to be raised at the outset:
  • Which people will appear in the film and what will they do?

  • Will they speak (be interviewed or present) or be filmed as part of their normal work?

  • Do you need to employ professional coaches to prepare your staff or audition staff who might appear in the film? Should you or the film production company give them a camera test?

  • Will the film need a voice-over? Can someone in the company do this or will this need to be done professionally?

  • Do you have adequate accommodation to shoot the film and do your present offices convey the impression you want them to create? Should you consider hiring a venue for the production days? Does this need to be researched or do you have such a venue in mind?

  • On the production days, will you have to give some staff the day off, to give the crew adequate space or make any other special arrangements?

Making a corporate film is a big commitment for your company. You will need to spend time with us to help them understand your intentions and to make sure arrangements for shooting are properly organized.

Website Credits : Webbing Systems | Digital Studio